Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Young Uncle Sam

This political cartoon’s issue is regarding the domination of Hawaii. The message of this cartoon is that, like political cartoon #5, America is too dominant when it comes to taking over other countries. Some others however, might think that, as I said in cartoon #5, America shouldn’t be any less dominant than they are right now. Some techniques used in this cartoon are symbolism and exaggeration. Uncle Sam, as a boy in the cartoon, represents America trying to catch the sugar plum which represents Hawaii’s island. Young Uncle Sam’s size is an exaggeration of America’s power. This cartoon does not support my idea on no Anti-Imperialism. Think about it though. America was a powerful country to begin with and nothing ever stands in our way.

U.S. and Hawaii

The issue of this political cartoon is the America annexing Hawaii. The message of this cartoon is that without Hawaii, America would be at a disadvantage due to the fact that Hawaii is perfect for a military base and is filled with raw materials. Others however, might think that America should just leave Hawaii alone. The reason they might think that is because America already has an ample amount of land as a country. Some techniques that are used in this cartoon are symbolism and labeling. Queen Liliuokalni and Uncle Sam represent Hawaii and America. The labeling of the cartoon represent the countries’ rules and benefits. This cartoon supports my belief in no Anti-Imperialism because, like I said in cartoon #7, America shouldn’t stop being imperial because that’s what makes America a great country.

Uncle Sam in Hawaii

The issue of this political cartoon is the defeat of Queen Liliuokalni. The message of thi cartoon is that America cannot be stopped. Some others might think that America is going too overboard with their power. The technique used in the cartoon is symbolism. Uncle Sam and Queen Liliuokalni sitting on a see-saw represents America’s victory due to the fact that Uncle Sam is heavier than Queen Liliuokalni which means America is more powerful. This cartoon does support my idea on no Anti-Imperialism. The cartoonist agrees with me that America cannot be sopped and is the reason why we are such a great country.


A Modern King Canute

The issue of this political cartoon is the annexation of Hawaii. The message the cartoon is trying to say is that America should stop being dominant. Some others, like me however, would say that America has the right to act dominate if they are being challenged. Some techniques used in this cartoon are symbolism and exaggeration. The king in the cartoon symbolizes America and the king’s exaggerated size represents America’s power. This cartoon does not support my opinion about going against Anti-Imperialism. However, America needs to have some sort of force against foreign countries in order to stay the country they are today.


Queen Liliuokalani Overthrown by America

The issue of this political cartoon is the fight to annex Hawaii. The message of this cartoon is that America is doing everything they can to annex Hawaii and overthrow Queen Liliuokalini. Some might think of this move by America as a negative thing. They might think that because if Hawaii already said no to annexation, America should just accept that. Some techniques used in this cartoon are symbolism an exaggeration. The cartoon symbolizes Queen Liliuokalni being overthrown because no queen wants to sit in a spiked throne. The spiked throne is a sign of exaggeration because no throne would be made with spikes sticking out of it. This cartoon supports my idea in no Anti-Imperialism because it shows that America is serious when they say that they are going to get Hawaii, whether Queen Liliuokalni likes it or not


Hawaii Annexation Rejection

The issue of this political cartoon is Hawaii becoming a part of America. This cartoon is saying that Queen Liliuokalni simply won’t just give her country over to America. The message of this cartoon is that America simply wasn’t the only country who doesn’t give up without a fight. Some others might think though that Hawaii is making a very good decision of saying no to letting America taking over. Their reason might be because that any country has the right to be independent as one; I , on the other hand think that Hawaii is making a huge mistake. Some techniques that are used in this cartoon are labeling and analogy. As the cartoon shows, Hawaii is representing the Queen with her country name on her dress. The analogy of this cartoon is that Queen Liliuokalni refused to marry Uncle Sam; this rejection of marriage is the same rejection as handing over a country to America. This cartoon definitely supports my opinion about no supporting Anti-Imperialism because Hawaii did not know what they were up against and America always fights back.


Hawaiian Japanese Volcano

The issue in this political cartoon is the Japanese trying to destroy Hawaii.  It states that without the help of America, Hawaii was doomed to become a Japanese territory.  The message of this cartoon is that America isn’t the only country out there who wants Hawaii.  Some others however, might say that America can’t just take over any country whenever they want regardless of other foreign competitors.  They might think that because whenever a foreign country wants to take over another foreign country America has their eye on, America always has to step in the way.  Some techniques used in this cartoon are labeling and symbolism.  In the cartoon, the country Hawaii has a volcano with a label saying “Japanese Ambition” along with a head of a Japanese man on top.  The symbolism is Uncle Sam trying put a hat on the volcano to stop it.  These techniques both support the idea of America trying to stop Japan from taking over Hawaii.  This supports my idea of not supporting Anti-Imperialism because it shows to other countries that America simply can’t stop and won’t stop being the dominant country they still are today.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Annexation of Hawaii

The issue in this political cartoon is the Annexation of Hawaii in a controversial way. It's stating that the U.S. were wrong to annex Hawaii. The message of this issue is that America is annexing Hawaii. Some other's opinions, however, think that it was smart of of the U.S. to annex Hawaii. Their reason would most likely be because Queen Liliuokalni, the queen of Hawaii, provoked America to annex her country in the first place since she was unfair to the American farmers working in Hawaii during that time. And when America is challenged, America has to fight back in order to remain the same country that we are today. Some techniques that the cartoonist is using are examples of symbolism, labeling, and exaggeration. In the cartoon, it shows Uncle Sam as a huge figure representing
the U.S. power while the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and  Hawaii are babies with the names of their countries on them representing their weak power.  Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Cuba are all on Uncle Sam trying to get his attention as if he was their dad, while Hawaii is left out on the ground separated from the others.  Although this cartoon may be portraying the Annexation of Hawaii as a bad thing, it also supports my belief on disapproving Anti-Imperialism.  Think about it, America is already such a powerful country and if we stand down, we’re doomed to go back to being ruled by another country.
