Monday, February 22, 2016

Annexation of Hawaii

The issue in this political cartoon is the Annexation of Hawaii in a controversial way. It's stating that the U.S. were wrong to annex Hawaii. The message of this issue is that America is annexing Hawaii. Some other's opinions, however, think that it was smart of of the U.S. to annex Hawaii. Their reason would most likely be because Queen Liliuokalni, the queen of Hawaii, provoked America to annex her country in the first place since she was unfair to the American farmers working in Hawaii during that time. And when America is challenged, America has to fight back in order to remain the same country that we are today. Some techniques that the cartoonist is using are examples of symbolism, labeling, and exaggeration. In the cartoon, it shows Uncle Sam as a huge figure representing
the U.S. power while the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and  Hawaii are babies with the names of their countries on them representing their weak power.  Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Cuba are all on Uncle Sam trying to get his attention as if he was their dad, while Hawaii is left out on the ground separated from the others.  Although this cartoon may be portraying the Annexation of Hawaii as a bad thing, it also supports my belief on disapproving Anti-Imperialism.  Think about it, America is already such a powerful country and if we stand down, we’re doomed to go back to being ruled by another country.


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